< Courses


Organization and Management in the Era of AI and Autonomous Systems


Date: 14-16 October 2025

Location: Campus Valla, Linköping University. The course starts at lunch day 1, we will have a collective dinner at the end of day 1, full day of classes day 2, and finalize with classes in the morning of day 3, ending at lunch.

Examination: Active participation as well as an essay covering selected topics of the course in relation to the PhD student’s own research focus.

Course coordinator and examiner: Professor Nicolette Lakemond, LiU

Also teaching: Adjunct professor Gunnar Holmberg, LiU and Saab, Postdoctor Gouthanan Pushpananthan, LiU, Postdoctor Yunchen Sun, Li


Registration: Before June 13 2025

Course information

The course introduces the field of organization, innovation and management and focuses on exploring how the emergence of AI and autonomous systems is changing the disciplines of organization, management and innovation management. Topics include, but are not limited to AI and organizational decision-making, automation and augmentation, AI and the future of work, how AI transforms innovation processes, innovation ecosystems, industrial digitalization, and perspectives on data-powered organizations.

The course includes a focus on contemporary research including basic underlying assumptions and theoretical perspectives as well as industry perspectives through guest lectures and exploration of industrial cases and situations throughout the course. The course is organized in lectures, guest lectures, group work and presentations to stimulate reflective thinking.

Literature: TBD, but as an idea the reading most probably will include the following and a little more or less:

Bahoo, S., Cucculelli, M., & Qamar, D. (2023). Artificial intelligence and corporate innovation: A review and research agenda. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 188, 122264.

Csaszar, F. A., & Steinberger, T. (2022). Organizations as artificial intelligences: The use of artificial intelligence analogies in organization theory. Academy of Management Annals, 16(1), 1-37.

Ferràs-Hernández, X., Nylund, P. A., & Brem, A. (2023). The Emergence of Dominant Designs in Artificial Intelligence. California Management Review, 00081256231164362.

Feuerriegel, S., Shrestha, Y. R., von Krogh, G., & Zhang, C. (2022). Bringing artificial intelligence to business management. Nature Machine Intelligence, 4(7), 611-613.

Jarrahi, M. H. (2018). Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making. Business horizons, 61(4), 577-586.

Fountaine, T., McCarthy, B., & Saleh, T. (2019). Building the AI-powered organization. Harvard Business Review, 97(4), 62-73.

Lakemond, N., & Holmberg, G. (2022). The quest for combined generativity and criticality in digital-physical complex systems. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 65, 101701.

Lakemond, N., Holmberg, G., & Pettersson, A. (2021). Digital transformation in complex systems. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.

Makarius, E. E., Mukherjee, D., Fox, J. D., & Fox, A. K. (2020). Rising with the machines: A sociotechnical framework for bringing artificial intelligence into the organization. Journal of Business Research, 120, 262-273.

Mariani, M. M., Machado, I., Magrelli, V., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2023). Artificial intelligence in innovation research: A systematic review, conceptual framework, and future research directions. Technovation, 122, 102623.

Von Krogh, G. (2018). Artificial intelligence in organizations: New opportunities for phenomenon-based theorizing. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(4), 40.

Yu, Y., Lakemond, N., & Holmberg, G. (2023). AI in the Context of Complex Intelligent Systems: Engineering Management Consequences. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
