Ziming Wang

Zhicheng He

Youshan Yu

Yoshihisa Kashima

Ylva von Gerber

Ylva Fernaeus

Yifan Wu

William Lidberg

Who’s in Charge Here? The Dynamics of AI Use, AI Governance, and Organizational Renewal

Vulnerability in the Automated State

Victor Larsson

Valentina Fantasia

Valentin Jeutner

Trustworthy AI-Based Medical Treatment  

Towards Al-Based Preventative Physiotherapy Interventions

Timothy York

The Rise of Social Drones: A Constructive Design Research Agenda

The Psychology of Social Institutions

The New Scientific Revolution? AI and Big Data in Biomedicine

The Labor-Market Impact of Firm-Level Adoption of AI and Autonomous Systems

The Imperfect Creator Creating the Perfect: Ethics for Autonomous Systems/AI

The Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence

The Ethics and Social Consequences of AI & Caring Robots. Learning Trust, Empathy, and Accountability

The Emergence of Complex Intelligent Systems and the Future of Management