Christopher Rosenqvist

Christoffer Freidl

Christian Kammler

Christian Balkenius

Charlotte Högberg

Challenges and Social Consequences of Artificial Intelligence in Swedish Forests

Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg

Cecilia Åsberg

Carl-Johan Stenberg

Carl Öhman

Bob Sturm

Björn Rönnerstrand

Birger Johansson

BioMe: Existential Challenges and Ethical Imperatives of Biometric AI in Everyday Lifeworlds

Bijona Troqe

Bias and Methods of AI Technology Studying Political Behavior

Barry Brown

Autonomous Shuttles for ALL – AI, Public Transportations, and People with Disabilities (ASALL)

Assistant Professor William Lidberg

Assistant Professor Valentina Fantasia

Assistant Professor Pedro Sanches

Assistant Professor Matilda Arvidsson

Assistant Professor Lina Rahm

Assistant Professor Liane Colonna