Amandus Krantz

Amanda Musco Eklund

Amanda Lagerkvist

Alicja Ostrowska

Ali Reza Majlesi

Algorithms in the Workplace – The Adequacy of the Existing Legal Framework for Occupational Health and Safety, Non-Discrimination, Data Protection and Worker’s Voice Arrangements

Alexandra Segerberg

Alexandra Farazouli

Aleksandra Mikhailova

Alberto Giaretta

Airi Lampinen

AICare: AI and Automated Systems and the Right to Health – Revisiting Law Accounting for the Exploitation of Users Preferences and Values

AI4CBT – Explainable, Human-Centric, Psychology- Grounded Fine-Grained Assessment and Planning for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

AI-Driven Contextual Communication: Implications for Citizens and Society

AI-Based RegTech

AI-Based FinTech: Good or Bad For Money Decisions and Financial Well-Being?

AI, the Social Contract and Democracy

AI Transparency and Consumer Trust

AI Literacy for Swedish Teacher Education – A Participatory Design Approach

AI in Motion: Studying the Social World of Autonomous Vehicles

AI Design Futures

AI and the Financial Markets: Accountability and Risk Management with Legal Tools

AI and the Artistic Imaginary: Socio-Cultural Consequences and Challenges of Creative AI-Technology

AI and Political Communication