Andrew Leyden

Andreas Kotsios

Andreas Brännström

André Holzapfel

Ana Nordberg

An Empirical Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities of the European Data Act for SMEs in the Swedish Creative Industry

Amela Muratspahić

Amandus Krantz

Amanda Musco Eklund

Amanda Lagerkvist

Alicja Ostrowska

Ali Reza Majlesi

Algorithms in the Workplace – The Adequacy of the Existing Legal Framework for Occupational Health and Safety, Non-Discrimination, Data Protection and Worker’s Voice Arrangements

Alexandra Segerberg

Alexandra Farazouli

Aleksandra Mikhailova

Alberto Giaretta

Airi Lampinen

AICare: AI and Automated Systems and the Right to Health – Revisiting Law Accounting for the Exploitation of Users Preferences and Values

AI4CBT – Explainable, Human-Centric, Psychology- Grounded Fine-Grained Assessment and Planning for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

AI-Driven Contextual Communication: Implications for Citizens and Society

AI-Based RegTech

AI-Based FinTech: Good or Bad For Money Decisions and Financial Well-Being?

AI, the Social Contract and Democracy