Shai Mulinari

Seyedehoda Hosseiny

Sergio Passero

Sebastianus Bruinsma

Sebastian Krakowski

Sarah de Heer

Sarah Cook

Sara Ljungblad

Sara Leckner

Samuel Carey

Samantha Stedtler

Saghi Hajisharif

Saara Taalas

Robin Cooper

Richard Johansson

Regulating Artificially Intelligent Diagnostic Algorithms in Orthopaedic Medicine

Realizing the Potential of Agent-Based Social Simulation

Rachael Garrett

Quantifying Culture: AI and Cultural Heritage Collections

Professional Trust and Autonomous Systems

Private Rule‐Making and European Governance of AI & Robotics

Predicting the Diffusion of AI-Applications

Prahalad Kashyap Haresamudram

Pontus Strimling