Saghi Hajisharif

Saara Taalas

Robin Cooper

Richard Johansson

Regulating Artificially Intelligent Diagnostic Algorithms in Orthopaedic Medicine

Realizing the Potential of Agent-Based Social Simulation

Rachael Garrett

Quantum Law: The Legal Significance of Quantum Computing

Quantifying Culture: A Study of AI and Cultural Heritage Collections

Professional Trust and Autonomous Systems

Private Rule‐Making and European Governance of AI & Robotics

Predicting the Diffusion of AI-Applications

Prahalad Kashyap Haresamudram

Pontus Strimling

Pim Kerkhoven

Petter Falk

Petra Jääskeläinen

Peter Wahlgren

Per Andersson

Pedro Sanches

Pär Bjälkebring

Paul Davidsson

Pasko Kisic Merino

Palle Dahlstedt