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Open Call

WASP-HS Postdoctoral Scholarships on AI, Humanity, and Society

Stanford University

Application deadline: 15 November 2024

WASP-HS invites applications for postdoctoral scholarships, which would begin in the fall of 2025. The goal of the scholarship program is to provide postdoctoral fellows with the opportunity to grow into independent investigators, experience new research environments, and expand their international networks. These scholarships enable promising researchers who have recently obtained their doctorates at a Swedish university to spend one to two years at Stanford University. Postdoctoral fellows are eligible for repatriation support upon arrival back in Sweden.

We welcome applicants from all disciplines!

Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanity and Society (WASP-HS)

WASP-HS aims at fostering novel interdisciplinary knowledge in the humanities and social sciences on the development of AI and autonomous systems and their consequences for humanity and society.

Applicants are requested to propose a project that

  • either uses a social science and/or humanities approach to ask questions about the consequences of AI and/or autonomous systems for society and/or humans,
  • or asks questions about how social science and/or humanities knowledge contributes to the development of AI and autonomous systems.

Scholarship conditions

Successful applicants will receive a stipend for one to two years of postdoctoral research. The stipend amounts to approximately USD 70 000 annually. A travel grant of USD 7,500 per year and an annual allowance for accompanying family members of USD 15,000 will be provided. The fellows will also receive the standard Health Plan/Insurance for post-docs. The stipend cannot be combined with other stipends or positions.

At the conclusion of each year of the scholarship, fellows should submit a progress report to the Foundation and to WASP-HS.

Upon returning to Sweden after completion of the postdoc, fellows will be eligible for funding to support a research position at a Swedish university for up to two years if they cannot find another position.


To apply for a postdoctoral scholarship, you must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Have received a doctoral degree from a Swedish university no more than two years before the starting date of the postdoctoral position
  • Have a connection to a Swedish university or corresponding non-profit research organization
  • Cannot have been employed or a scholar at Stanford prior to the postdoctoral position

    Application and submission

    Applications should be submitted in English via the Wallenberg Foundation’s electronic application portal: https://kawansokan.wallenberg.org

    Once in the portal, create a new user account. Select “KAW stipend” tab at the top and then “Stanford Postdoctoral Fellowship.”

    Fill in the forms in each of the tabs of the application. Be sure to fill in “dissertation date” in tab 5 (“Exams”). If you have not yet defended your dissertation at the time of applying, attach a letter from your doctoral supervisor stating your expected defense date in “Other appendices” in tab 10 (“Attachments”).

    In tab 10 (“Attachments”), submit the following documents:

    • Your curriculum vitae, which should include a list of publications
    • Personal letter (max 1 A4 page or 3 500 characters, including spaces)
    • Planned research program. This should be a description of the proposed research project, including deliverables, and a description of the research profile of the intended host and supervisor (max 6 A4 pages and 21 000 characters, including spaces).
    • Two separate letters of support with comments on the proposed research project
    • Letter of invitation from the intended host (Other appendices)

    Please note that a budget is not required since the scholarship amount will be fixed. Instead, attach a document confirming whether or not you intend to apply for the accompanying family member allowance.

    Applications must be received no later than 15 November 2024.

    Incomplete applications will not be considered.

    Please note you may only apply for one of the Foundation’s postdoctoral scholarships.

    Review criteria

    Applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

    • Applicant’s scientific record and potential to develop into an independent investigator
    • Quality, originality, and significance of the proposed research project
    • Relevance to the WASP-HS program
    • Feasibility of the proposed research project

    Top-ranked candidates will be interviewed.

    Any remaining questions about the postdoctoral scholarships or application process can be directed to contact@wasp-hs.org.