
Call for Affiliated PhD Students is Now Open

Published: August 23, 2021

The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanity and Society (WASP-HS) hereby announces a call for PhD students to be affiliated with the WASP-HS Graduate School. The deadline for application is 15th October.

The purpose of the WASP-HS affiliated student program is to provide the opportunity for a limited number of PhD students from Swedish universities not funded by WASP-HS to be part of the WASP-HS Graduate School.

Eligibility criteria

For PhD students to be accepted to the affiliation program, they must satisfy the following:

  • The student is currently enrolled as PhD student at a Swedish university, with an academic component of at least 80% FTE.
  • The research topic must be in the WASP-HS area.
  • The student has started the PhD studies no earlier than 1st June 2021.
  • The student has a strong academic track record.

Commitment from the WASP-HS Graduate School

If admitted, the affiliated PhD student will gain full access to the WASP-HS Graduate School on the same terms as graduate school PhD students funded by WASP-HS, except that affiliated students will have to cover their own costs. If the affiliated PhD student satisfies the requirements, he or she will get a WASP-HS PhD Certificate/Diploma. WASP-HS will offer possibilities for participating in courses, arenas, conferences, international trips, summer schools and other activities.

To read more about the rules and application process

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