
Podcast on WASP-HS, AI and ethics

Published: March 1, 2020

In a very interesting podcast Om filosofers liv och tankar, Christian Balkenius, professor at Lund University and the director of the WASP-HS research school, talks about WASP-HS, AI and ethics.

Christian Balkenius, among other things, talks about the WASP-HS research school, which starts in the fall of 2020 and will initially have 30 – 40 PhD students, a number that will be growing.

Listen to the podcast.

“Within WASP-HS we look at the consequences of AI technology for society, it is a research program that is nationwide, all over the country,” says Christian Balkenius.

“The program studies how society changes, everything from ethical aspects to the impact on democracy, the labor market, what happens in medicine and the interaction between drones, robots and humans, to mention a few examples,” says Christian Balkenius.

Christian Balkenius is interviewed by Fredrik Eriksson, librarian of the HT libraries, and Martin Jönsson, associate professor of theoretical philosophy, Lund University.

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