Palle Dahlstedt

Palle Dahlstedt

Palle Dahlstedt Professor Chalmers University of Technology University profile WASP-HS Project See...
Palle Dahlstedt

Kelsey Cotton

Kelsey Cotton PhD student Chalmers University of Technology University profile WASP-HS Project Interactive AI – Ethics and Aesthetics of Human-Machine Interaction in Art, Music, and Games See project PhD Project Title Interactive Music Systems Using Machine Learning...
Palle Dahlstedt

Mafalda Samuelsson Gamboa

Mafalda Samuelsson Gamboa PhD student Chalmers University of Technology University profile WASP-HS Project The Rise of Social Drones: A Constructive Design Research Agenda See project PhD Project Title Human-Centered Design of Information and Control Systems for...
Palle Dahlstedt

Rachael Garrett

Rachael Garrett PhD student KTH Royal Institute of Technology University profile WASP-HS Project Ethics as Enacted Through Movement – Shaping and Being Shaped by Autonomous Systems See project PhD Project Title Critical Design of Drones: Intertwining Aesthetics,...
Palle Dahlstedt

Olga Viberg

Olga Viberg Associate Professor KTH Royal Institute of Technology University profile WASP-HS Project Culturally Informed Robots in Learning Activities (CIRILA) See...