Henrik Sigurdh

Henrik Sigurdh

Henrik Sigurdh PhD student Umeå University University profile WASP-HS Project Cyborg Politics: A Study of Artificial Agents in Online Democratic Deliberation See project PhD Project Title Machine...
Henrik Sigurdh

Sergio Passero

Sergio Passero PhD student Linköping University University profile WASP-HS Project AI in Motion: Studying the Social World of Autonomous Vehicles See project PhD Project Title Autonomous Cars as Social...
Henrik Sigurdh

Kaan Kilic

Kaan Kilic PhD student Umeå University University profile WASP-HS Project Digital Companions As Social Actor: Employing Socially Intelligent Systems for Managing Stress and Improving Emotional Wellbeing See project PhD Project Title Methods for Building the...
Henrik Sigurdh

Laetitia Tanqueray

Laetitia Tanqueray PhD student Lund University University profile WASP-HS Project AI Transparency and Consumer Trust See project PhD Project Title Norms and Social...
Irene Kaklopoulou

Irene Kaklopoulou

Irene Kaklopoulou PhD student Umeå University University profile WASP-HS Project Human-Centered Al for Health, Autonomy and Wellbeing See project PhD Project Title Introducing Feminist and Somaesthetic Perspectives in the Development of Biodata-Driven Systems for...