Pasko Kisic Merino

Pasko Kisic Merino

Pasko Kisic Merino PhD student Karlstad University University profile WASP-HS Project Bias and Methods of AI Technology Studying Political Behavior See project PhD Project Title How Information and Institutions Affect Political Behavior: Applying AI Technology to the...
Denitsa Saynova

Denitsa Saynova

Denitsa Saynova PhD student Chalmers University of Technology University profile WASP-HS Project Bias and Methods of AI Technology Studying Political Behavior See project PhD Project Title Machine Learning for Political...
Rachael Garrett

Rachael Garrett

Rachael Garrett PhD student KTH Royal Institute of Technology University profile WASP-HS Project Ethics as Enacted Through Movement – Shaping and Being Shaped by Autonomous Systems See project PhD Project Title Critical Design of Drones: Intertwining Aesthetics,...
Rachael Garrett

Jabbar Hussain

Jabbar Hussain PhD student University of Gothenburg University profile WASP-HS Project Professional Trust and Autonomous Systems See project PhD Project Title Fair, Accountable, and Transparent Methods for Trustworthy...
Rachael Garrett

Seyedehoda Hosseiny

Seyedehoda Hosseiny PhD student Lund University University profile WASP-HS Project Quantum Law: The Legal Significance of Quantum Computing See project PhD Project Title The Significance of Quantum Theory for the Philosophy and Practice of...