Reflections from WASP-HS Summer School

The theme of the WASP-HS Summer School of 2021 was sustainability. It is a broad concept, and some would argue that it is too broad, draining it from meaning, while others argue that the broadness is a strength to get people on board. Kalle Grill made us ponder upon...

Gender fairness in (socio-legal) robotics

During a dinner in Stockholm at the very first workshop of the WASP-HS programme, Ginevra Castellano, a social roboticist, and I discussed how AI technologies may mirror human behavior and, ultimately, social structures. With a focus on existing social structures...

The myth of complete AI-fairness

Just recently, IBM invited me to participate in a panel titled “Will AI ever be completely fair?” My first reaction was that it surely would be a very short panel, as the only possible answer is ‘no’. In this blog, I wish to further motivate my position in that...