WASP-HS Community Reference Meetings are aimed at helping public and private organizations in Sweden with challenges and questions regarding their interests, as well as developments within WASP-HS. This is done to identify opportunities for collaboration between different sectors. At the meetings, the attendees will be divided into break-out rooms to discuss and generate ideas to keep a continuous link to society.
Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality (VR, AR, and MR) is increasing in popularity, not only in the field of gaming, but also healthcare, engineering, live events, entertainment, retail, education, and more. People who are working, studying, and interacting with others remotely have to adapt to new, digital environments. Digital environments often engender new sets of distractions. One such distraction is, for instance, the fusion of work and private life. Due to the crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work through the means of digital and interactive platforms and devices has increased substantially. In order to understand the dynamics and implications of virtual interactions between people, a multidisciplinary perspective is needed.
At the event Life in the Digital World WASP-HS brings together academics and practitioners to discuss these issues. We do so with the hope of building a foundation for further analysis of Virtual Reality and games, from the perspective of social sciences and humanities.