PhD Defense – Assemble Care // Align Data: An Ethnographic Study of Datafication in Swedish Public Care

Agardhsalen 11D257, Karlstad University

Petter Falk, defends his doctoral thesis "Assemble Care // Align Data: An Ethnographic Study of Datafication in Swedish Public Care", at Karlstad University. Abstract You sit in a quiet room at your local healthcare clinic. Tests are run, assessments made, and your data is woven into the threads of an electronic health record. Or perhaps […]

AI for Humanity and Society 2024

Lindholmen Conference Centre

Creating Shared AI FuturesThe prevailing media narratives often depict a bleak future, marked by escalating conflicts, an impending climate crisis, and the rapid evolution of artificial intelligence. Such depictions can foster a sense of helplessness, making it difficult to envision a way forward. However, it is crucial to challenge this sense of inevitability by exploring […]

Winter Conference 2025

Stockholm University Frescativägen 6, Stockholm, Sweden

This year's conference will be at Aula Magna, Stockholm University on February 5-7. It will be filled with workshops, poster presentations, and interactive discussions, with ample opportunity for networking. We would like to thank Stockholm University for hosting the conference. With their generous support we have been able to expand the it to the entire […]

PhD Defense—Essays on Women in the Labor Market: Technology, Inequality, and the Future of Work

Ekonomikum, Uppsala University

Malin Backman defends her doctoral thesis, “Essays on Women in the Labor Market: Technology, Inequality and the Future of Work,” at Uppsala University. Abstract Essay I: I study how digital skill requirements affect the gender composition of new hires in female-dominated administrative occupations in Sweden from 2006 to 2016. I track the prevalence of digital […]

PhD Defense—Interactions with Pseudo-Sapiens: User Perception of Anthropomorphism, Mind, and Trust in Humanlike Social Agents

Lecture Hall E:A, building E, Klas Anshelms väg 10, Faculty of Engineering LTH, Lund.

Kashyap Haresamundram, defends his doctoral thesis “Interactions with Pseudo-Sapiens: User perception of anthropomorphism, mind, and trust in humanlike social agents”, at Lund University (LTH). Abstract Advancements in AI and Robotics have made it possible, at least to some extent, for technology to interact with humans in humanlike ways, such as being able to use natural […]

Workshop: Girls Just Want to Have Sc(AI)ence—Part 1

Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University,

Creating a Research Network to Foster Women's Partcipation in Technoscience Please note that this event is independently organized by a WASP-HS researcher and not the WASP-HS Program Office. While feminist approaches to technoscience are getting increasing attention, the HRI/AI/HCI fields are still male-dominated. Similarly, new technologies, from assistive robots to chatbots, are often imbued with […]

PhD Defense—The Imaginaries and Politics of Welfare Technology: Renegotiating Elder Care Through Technology for an Ageing Population

Temcas, Tema building, Campus Valla, Linköping

Maria Arnelid defends her doctoral thesis, "The Imaginaries and Politics of Welfare Technology: Renegotiating Elder Care Through Technology for an Ageing Population," at Linköping University. Click here for a link to DIVA, with more information about the dissertation.  Abstract In Sweden, a particular class of technology is imagined as a solution to an ageing population. […]

Joint Summer School on Resilience and Regulation

Campus Norrköping and Visualiseringscenter C Norrköping

Please read this information before registering to the Summer School. Registration opens March 17th.  About the Event Join us for the Joint Summer School on Resilience and Regulation, arranged by the WASP Research Arenas Robotics, Public Safety, Media & Language, and Operational Data, as well as WASP-HS. This year’s theme—Resilience and Regulation—centers on building safe […]