PI Meeting 2019

A meeting for the WASP-HS program will take place on 5 December for the 2019 accepted WASP-HS projects. Read more here about the 16 projects. The meeting will be held in Stockholm and is by invitation only, targeted towards the members of WASP-HS´s projects. Keynote Luciano FloridiProfessor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information and Director of […]

Open Invitation to Collaborate with WASP-HS

Näringslivets hus Storgatan 19, Stockholm

Welcome to an open meeting to introduce the WASP-HS program to discuss the plans and possibilities for collaboration between WASP-HS and public and private partners in Sweden. Increasingly, AI and autonomous systems are changing the way we work, live and solve problems. Most public and private organisations, large and small, are already using or considering […]

AI for Humanity and Society 2020

Online via Zoom

Welcome to the 1st WASP-HS Conference on AI, Humanity and Society – a meeting place for dialogue on humanity and societal aspects on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems. Artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems transform the way we work, live our lives and solve problems. This technology has the potential to improve people’s well-being and […]

Winter Conference 2021

Online via Zoom

Welcome to the first annual WASP-HS Winter Conference. The conference will take place online between 9-11 February, 2021. The program will include presentations by invited speakers, PhD project presentations, project presentations and discussion sessions. Abstracts will be published in a conference proceedings available on the WASP-HS web site. Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 January, 2021Deadline for […]

Q&A on Upcoming Calls PhD in Society and innovative Collaborations Projects

Online via Zoom

The WASP-HS Program Office is arranging an online Q&A meeting about the two calls PhD in Society and Innovative collaboration projects. The Q and A meeting will be held on 18 February, 09.00-10.00 (CET). If you would like to participate in the meeting, please express your interest by sending an email to contact@wasp-hs.org before 16 February. PhD in Society […]

AI and Healthcare

Online via Zoom

AboutProgramRegistrationMoreWASP-HS community reference meetings aim at learning for public and private organisations in Sweden about challenges and questions of their interest and sharing recent developments within WASP-HS in order to identify opportunities for collaboration in different sectors. During the meetings, we will make use of interactive breakout sessions to generate recommendations for the reference meeting, […]

Multidisciplinary Methods: Some Possible Principles of Practice in Cross-Cutting Research Endeavours

Online via Zoom

About Program Registration More The WASP-HS Research Seminars are intended to present and discuss ongoing research on a broad range of exciting topics of relevance for WASP-HS. Seminars are held online once a month and organised in a series of 3-4 seminars with a common theme. WASP-HS researchers and invited national and international leading scholars […]