< Courses


Legal Implications of Artificial Intelligence


Date: 7-8 April 2025

Location: Uppsala University

Examination: TBD

Course instructors: Lianne Colonna, Stockholm University, Katja de Vries, Uppsala University, Matilda Arvidsson, Gothenburg University, Ana Nordberg, Lund University.

Registration: Before March 14 2025


  • Read eight articles in advance of the course based on eight selected “specialization topics” (announced at least a month in advance)
  • Hand in a one-page (max 400) word pitch of the legal aspects of your project


  • Students will be asked to present the legal aspects of their work during the course (based on their one page-text) + give feedback to another paper. Instructors will provide oral feedback.
  • Students should elaborate their one-page pitches into a five page text (max 2000 words), based on the oral comments received during the course.

Potential “specialization topics”  

  • Generative AI and academic work
  • Standardization
  • Security
  • Open source
  • Cyber security
  • Data protection
  • AI and the public sector
  • AI in health
  • AI in education
  • AI and agency
  • AI and environmental law
  • AI and colonialism
  • Predictive policing
  • Evidentiary issues in AI

Every student should select four specialization topics when signing up for the course. Students are also welcome to make a recommendation! We cannot guarantee that your recommended topic will be discussed but we will do our best!


Student limit:

Max 30 students



Day 1

9:00-11:00: Crash course on AI and Law (all four of us, lecture format)

11-12: Teamwork (TBD)

12-13: Lunch

13:00-15:00: Specialization topics 1-4 (the whole group is divided in two rooms based on selected “specialization topics”)(two teachers are in each room and we will cover two specialization topics in each room re: we will discuss four articles in each room)

Coffee 15:00-15:30

15:30- 18:00: The first half of the students pitch the legal aspects of their work (we remain in our specialization topic group re: we are in two rooms)


Day 2

9:00-11:00: the second half of the student pitch the legal aspects of their work (the group is divided into two rooms)

11-12: Teamwork (TBD)

12-13: Lunch

13-15: Specialisation topics 4-8

15-15:30: Coffee

15:30-18: Reconvene altogether for a group discussion and summing up




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