Open Call

WASP-HS Postdoctoral Scholarships at MIT

Application deadline: 15 November 2023

 In collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), WASP-HS invites applications for postodoctoral fellows working in areas related to the impact of technology and computing on society. This could include, but is not limited to, examining the social, historical, philosophical, legal, ethical and cultural aspects of the opportunities and challenges of the development and use of computing, AI, and data sciences. Applicants are encouraged to apply in those or other areas related to the impacts of technology on society. Here are some examples of specific topics that may be of interest (this is not an exclusive list).

  • Example #1: How we can use AI and autonomous systems to achieve fairness in allocation of scarce resources (e.g. fair access to healthcare, fair vaccine allocation around the world, or access to healthy food especially in underprivileged populations).
  • Example #2: Implications of new technologies (such as ChatGPT) in the future of work.
  • Example #3: Fair hiring and employment screening that addresses biases. 
  • Example #4: Ethical Issues connecting with FemTech (female technology) and inclusion. 
  • Example #5: Design of medical tests and their effectiveness in diverse populations.
  • Example #6: Online manipulation and dark patterns. 
  • Example #7: AI regulation.
  • Example #8: Anticipate and mitigating the risks associated with AI.

Please contact WASP-HS office if you are interested in knowing more about these positions:  

Application Procedure

The WASP-HS Postdoctoral Scholarships at MIT follow the same criteria and conditions as other postdoc programs awarded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.

For the targeted MIT positions, it is not mandatory to have graduated from WASP-HS, but a letter of support from a WASP-HS Faculty member is mandatory for the connection to Sweden. This letter must clearly state how the proposal contributes to the overall vision of WASP-HS. Furthermore, the candidate should clearly describe in their personal letter, how their planned research relates to the WASP-HS area of research stated in the introduction of this call.

Do not contact MIT researchers as part of the application for WASP-HS Postdoctoral Scholarships! The matching of selected candidates will be done by MIT,so you do not need to submit a letter from a host. All other criteria and conditions stated by the Wallenberg Foundations apply. See here for more information.

Applications will be evaluated by WASP-HS’s Scientific Evaluation Committee. Top ranked candidates will be then matched together with faculty hosts in selected research environments at MIT. The Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing (SERC) in the Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing will facilitate the matching procedure. The top 2 ranked candidates matched at MIT will then be approved for a postdoc scholarship.

Criteria and Conditions

In the current call, at most 2 postdoc positions will be selected for WASP-HS targeted positions within MIT.  

When returning from the postdoc studies there is an opportunity to apply for funding from WASP-HS to support a research position at one of the Swedish universities engaged in WASP-HS for up to two years, if the applicant cannot find another position.

The Stipend is for a period of up to two years of postdoctoral studies. The Stipend amounts will be set in accordance with the standard rate of each institution. A travel grant of USD 5,000 per year and an annual allowance for accompanying family members of USD 15,000 is also provided. The Fellows will also receive the Health Plan/Insurance for post-docs.

  • At the time the postdoc period starts, the applicants should have a doctor’s degree from a Swedish University no older than 2 years after the dissertation date as well as a connection to a Swedish University or corresponding non-profit research organization. Scientific merit, adjusted to the applicant’s academic age (i.e. research time after completing the PhD), will be an important factor at the assessment.
  • The applicant cannot be employed/Scholar at MIT prior to the Wallenberg post-doc.
  • The Stipend cannot be combined with other stipends or positions.
  • Family allowance must be applied for separately in a direct request to the Foundation and can be submitted with the e-application (Other appendices).

The complete application shall be submitted via the Wallenberg Foundation’s electronic application system according to link below no later than 15th of November.

Application Form

WASP-HS International Postdoc Scholarship