Magnus Mähring

Magnus Mähring

Magnus Mähring Professor Stockholm School of Economics University profile WASP-HS Project Who’s In Charge Here? The Dynamics of AI Use, AI Governance, and Organizational Renewal See...
Frank Dignum

Frank Dignum

Frank Dignum Professor Umeå University University profile WASP-HS Project Socially Aware Dialogue Management See project The Psychology of Social Institutions See...
Xavier de Luna

Xavier de Luna

Xavier de Luna Professor Umeå University University profile WASP-HS Projects Machine Learning to Study Causality with Big Datasets: Towards Methods Yielding Valid Statistical Conclusions See...
Ylva Fernaeus

Ylva Fernaeus

Ylva Fernaeus Associate Professor Umeå University University profile WASP-HS Project Art and AI See...
Frank Dignum

Elmira van den Broek

Elmira van den Broek Assistant Professor Stockholm School of Economics University profile WASP-HS Projects Untitled See...