Martin Ebers

Martin Ebers

Martin Ebers Guest Professor Örebro University, University of Tartu University profile WASP-HS Project Private Rule-Making and European Governance of AI and Robotics See...
Irina Shlovski

Irina Shlovski

Irina Shklovski Guest Professor Linköping University University profile WASP-HS Project Operationalising Ethics for AI: Translation, Implementation and Accountability Challenges See...
Palle Dahlstedt

Palle Dahlstedt

Palle Dahlstedt Professor Chalmers University of Technology University profile WASP-HS Project See...
Ingar Brinck

Ingar Brinck

Ingar Brinck Professor Lund University University profile WASP-HS Project Ineraction with Social Autonomous Systems See...