Hadia Nadeem

Hadia Nadeem

Hadia Nadeem PhD student Stockholm School of Economics University profile PhD Project Title Implementation of AI in...
Hadia Nadeem

Natalie Aleksic

Natalie Aleksic PhD student Stockholm School of Economics University profile PhD Project Title The Dynamics of AI Use, AI Development, AI Governance, and Organizational Renewal in Life...
Hadia Nadeem

Christopher Rosenqvist

Christopher Rosenqvist Associate Professor Stockholm School of Economics University profile WASP-HS Project A Study of AI As a New Strategic Imperative; Challenging Existing Strategies, Business Models and Organizational Processes See...
Hadia Nadeem

Christoffer Freidl

Christoffer Friedl PhD student Stockholm School of Economics University profile PhD Project Title Who’s in Charge Here? The Dynamics of AI Use, AI Governance, and Organizational...