Report Your Research Publications

As stated in the decision letters for each research project and position grant, researchers within the program shall participate in WASP-HS meetings and, upon request, report publications and activities.

Please report the WASP-HS related books, papers, conference contributions, and articles that you have contributed to.

Use the form below to report your publications.

Reporting Publications

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According to APA. Surname, X. X. (Year). Title. Journal, volume(s), start page number-end page number.
According to APA. Surname, X. X.. (Year, Month Day–Day). Paper title [Paper presentation]. Conference Name, City, State, Country. URL
According to APA Surname, X. X.. (Year). Title of chapter. In Editor Name (Ed.), Title of book (page numbers). Publisher.
According to APA. Chapter Author Surname, X. X.. (Year). Chapter or article title. In Editor First Initial. Second Initial. Editor Last Name (Ed.). Book title: Subtitle (edition number if not the first, pages of chapter). Location of publication: Publisher.
Surname, X. X. ( Year, Month, Day). Title of article. Title of Magazine,volume, pages.