< AI for Humanity and Society 2023 Workshops

WASP-HS Workshop in conjunction with the conference AI for Humanity and Society 2023

Towards Making the Intangible Tangible: Perspectives on Trust and AI


Kashyap Haresamudram – Doctoral Researcher, Department of Technology and Society, LTH, Lund University, kashyap.haresamudram@lth.lu.se
Emelie Karlsson – Doctoral Researcher, Department of Government, Uppsala University, emelie.karlsson@statsvet.uu.se
Amandus Krantz – Doctoral Researcher, Lund University Cognitive Science, Lund University, amandus.krantz@lucs.lu.se
Samantha Stedtler – Doctoral Researcher, Lund University Cognitive Science, Lund University, samantha.stedtler@lucs.lu.se


The theme of the conference is ‘Living with AI –Critical Questions for the Social Sciences and the Humanities’. Central to living with AI is our ability to trust the technology, but so too is understanding the social and societal implications that AI has on trust. The core purpose of the workshop is to bring together a broad variety of stakeholders with regards to trust and AI, so this workshop calls for participants from various disciplines within academia as well as industry practitioners such as policy makers, developers, CEO’s, and even general users of AI that have particular trust-related experiences with the technology. There are multiple aspects in making and deploying AI that are tied to trust. But trust is an ill-defined phenomenon that operates on multiple levels – the individual, the interactional, the social and the institutional – with no scientific consensus on what it is, why it occurs or how to measure it. This complexity necessitates a multi-stakeholder approach, not only within academia but also industry and society at large, to identify and define the key challenges pertaining to trust and AI.

Topic/Goals of the Workshop

Discussions at the workshop will be divided into four main tracks:
● Technical – pertaining to technical approaches to trust in AI such as XAI algorithms
● Societal – pertaining to institutional notions, policy, politics and governance
● Experiential – pertaining to design, user experience/interaction, and user stories
● Cognitive – pertaining to social psychology, human-robot interaction and decision-making

The groups will individually discuss the main challenges pertaining to AI within their own respective track groups. Then the concerns from each group will be brought together in a larger group for further discussion. The anonymised discussions and conclusions may be used to co-author a potential paper.

Submission Details

Potential participants will be required to submit a short position statement or user story, outlining their research/industry/user perspective, with regards to trust and AI. We are particularly interested in ideas relating to gaps in existing knowledge stemming from a lack of multidisciplinarity and collaboration. The submissions should be no longer than one page (including references, if any), and should indicate the relevant track. Submissions will be carefully selected to form cohesive groups that facilitate discussion and exchange of ideas. Novel, diverse, and collaborative perspectives will be prioritized.

Submissions should be emailed to trustandai@gmail.com.

Please note that in order to participate in this workshop you must also register for the conference via the event page.

Important Dates

Submission/Registration deadline: 23:59 AOE, 14th July 2023
Deadline for acceptance: 31th July 2023
Date for workshop: 9:00 am – 12:00, 14th of November 2023
Location: Malmö, Sweden