
Virginia Dignum Talks Risks and Challenges with AI on P1 Studio Ett Special

Published: January 20, 2023

Virginia Dignum, Program Director of WASP-HS and Professor in Responsible Artificial Intelligence, talks about risks and challenges with AI on P1 Studio Ett Special: AI.

“I believe that we must focus on education and put a lot of efforts into educating the general public on AI so that everyone understands the possibilities. We need to know what AI can do, as well as what AI cannot do, as it is something that is affecting us all,” says Virginia Dignum, WASP-HS Program Director, on P1 Studio Ett Special: AI.

In the special AI episode hosted by PI Studio Ett Special, Virginia continues to talk about AI regulations.

“We need to develop regulations and principles for AI, and to do so we must make sure that the regulators understands AI, and that AI developers understand the regulations”, she says.

Listen to Riskerna med AI – kan tekniken ta över? (The risks with AI – could technology take over?)

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