
11 new positions as assistant professors within WASP-HS

Published: December 13, 2020

The national research program The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society (WASP-HS) expands its contribution to the humanities and social sciences research for studies on the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems with support to eleven new research groups.

The new investment will fund 11 research groups at 9 Swedish universities. Each funding package covers the recruitment of one assistant professor and one PhD student in order for the universities to create or strengthen research groups in the area. Recruitments will be open to international competition and will be handled by each university. Another PhD student or postdoc will be funded by the respective universities.

The 11 research groups span a number of areas such as art, music and games, democracy, media, social interaction with autonomous units, health issues, agent-based social simulation, forest industry, law and political communication.

Chalmers University of Technology:

Research group: Interactive AI – Ethics and aesthetics of human-machine interaction in art, music, and games
Position: Assistant Professor with tenure track in Interaction design specialized in Interactive AI

KTH Royal Institute of Technology:

Research group: Media and Environment AI and Autonomous Systems in Data-based Environmental Research
Position: Assistant Professor in the History of Media and Environment with specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems 

Lund University:

Research group: Social interaction with autonomous artifacts
Position: Associate senior lecturer in Cognitive Science or Theoretical Philosophy

Malmö University (2 groups):

Research group: AI and the everyday political-economy of global health
Position: Associate Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the Global Politics of AI and Health

Research group: Realizing the potential of agent-based social simulation
Position: Associate Senior Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in computer science

SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences:

Research group: Challenges and social consequences of artificial intelligence in Swedish forests
Position: Associate Senior Lecturer in Forest Management, with specialization in Artificial Intelligence

Stockholm University:

Research group: AI and Law
Position: Associate Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor in Legal Informatics

Umeå University:

Research group: Human-Centered AI for Health, Autonomy and Wellbeing
Position: Associate Senior University Lecturer in Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a focus on health, autonomy and well-being

University of Gothenburg:

Research group: AI, the Social Contract and Democracy
Position: Associate Senior Lecturer

Uppsala University (2 groups):

Research group: AI and Political Communication
Position: Associate Senior Lecturer in Political Science 

Research group: AI-based RegTech
Position: Associate Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law

“We are very happy to announce these positions which will provide a very important boost to the strengthening and extending Swedish excellence in humanities and the social sciences to research the impact of AI and autonomous systems on humanity and society,” says Virginia Dignum, WASP-HS Program Director and Professor of Responsible Artificial Intelligence at Umeå University.

“Working together across disciplines and across universities, these researchers will form a multidisciplinary team strengthening and developing research topics and education towards the development of a new generation of researchers well versed in the core topics of WASP-HS,” Virginia Dignum says.

Image above: AdobeStock/Babaroga.

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