
AI Act Discussed Between Industry and Academia

Published: May 20, 2022

Reliability and responsibility, biases, exclusions and inclusion, participation, and more was discussed at the WASP-HS Community Reference Meeting (CRM) Challenges and Opportunities of Regulating AI on May 19.

WASP-HS CRMs are intended for public and private organizations in Sweden, and for stakeholders who want to learn more about the challenges and issues related to artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact. It is an opportunity for WASP-HS to share the latest research developments within the program to identify opportunities for collaboration across sectors.

The event started with an introduction by Professor Virginia Dignum, WASP-HS Program Director, which was followed by a presentation by keynote speaker Catelijne Muller, President and co-founder of ALLAI – an independent organisation working to drive and promote responsible AI. Catelijne Muller provided insight on the AI Act (AIA). In April 2021, the EU Parliament published a proposal, the AIA, for regulating the use of AI systems and services in the Union market. This proposal puts forward a regulatory vision based on European standards on human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

After the panel the participants took part in one of the following roundtable discussions of their choice.

The Participation Paradox In the Politics of AI
Michael Strange, Department of Global Political Studies, Malmö University
Co-Chair: Jason Tucker, Department of Global Political Studies, Malmö University

Regulating the Use of Algorithms in Public Decision-Making 
Chair: Sandra Friberg, Department of Law, Uppsala University
Co-Chair: Yulia Razmetaeva, Head of the Center for Law, Ethics and Digital Technologies at Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

The AI Act: Comprehensive but is it Future-Proof? 
Chair: Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg, Professor and Subject Director of Law and Information Technology, Stockholm University 
Co-Chair: Liane Colonna, Assistant Professor of Law and Information Technology, Stockholm University

A publication summarizing the discussions and conclusions from the day is underway and will be published on WASP-HS’ website. See already published publications here.

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