
AI Ethics online: Refracting social norms through AI

Published: February 22, 2021

In an AI ethics seminar Ericka Johnson, professor of gender and society, Linköping University, discuss Refracting social norms through AI. Together with Dr. Katherine Harrison, Ericka Johnson is currently leading an interdisciplinary WASP-HS research project on the ethics and social consequences of AI and caring robots.

The seminar Refracting social norms through AI was held on 16 February, 2021, and is now available on Youtube. It starts with a discussion of how technologies can be used to make visible social norms and then moves to some specific examples taken from AI to ask what values (held by which actors) are becoming enrolled and enacted in the introduction and development of the technology.

Ericka Johnson, professor of gender and society, Linköping University, Sweden, has an interdisciplinary background in sociology, gender studies, and science & technology studies. Her work explores how technologies refract discourses, articulate silent understandings, highlight cultural values, and make tangible social norms. She is the author of several monographs and anthologies, including Refracting through Technology (Routledge 2019).

Follow the seminar Refracting social norms through AI.

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