Sociala normer och AI

I ett AI-seminarium diskuterar Ericka Johnson, professor vid Tema Genus vid Linköpings universitet sociala normer och AI. Tillsammans med Dr. Katherine Harrison leder Ericka Johnson för närvarande ett tvärvetenskapligt WASP-HS-forskningsprojekt om etik och sociala...

AI Ethics online: Refracting social norms through AI

In an AI ethics seminar Ericka Johnson, professor of gender and society, Linköping University, discuss Refracting social norms through AI. Together with Dr. Katherine Harrison, Ericka Johnson is currently leading an interdisciplinary WASP-HS research project on the...

A graduate school with interdisciplinary focus

It was with a strong focus on human-computer interaction, and research in artificial intelligence within humanities and social sciences, that 35 PhD students attended the first annual Winter Conference of the WASP-HS Graduate school. This first time the meeting was...

WASP-HS Graduate school offer AI key areas

From medical AI ethics, drones and social robotics to design technology for a better life and legal accountability of AI. Those are some of the topics raised by 35 PhD students when they discuss artificial intelligence in the humanities and social sciences. Now they...