Radio show on the relation human machine

A conversation on human machine interaction has been broadcasted in the radio show Filosofiska rummet, Swedish Radio. Kristina Höök, professor in Interaction Design at KTH and project leader in WASP-HS, together with Ingar Brinck, professor in Theoretical Philosophy...

Forskare i podd om ansiktsigenkänning

Ansiktsigenkänning är en teknik som förväntas komma starkt inom de närmaste åren. Ett av projekten inom WASP-HS ska följa vad det innebär för vårt samhälle och för människors liv och värderingar. Amanda Lagerkvist, docent vid Uppsala universitet och projektledare för...

Researcher in podcast on facial recognition

Facial recognition is a technology that is expected to come strongly within the next few years. One of the projects within WASP-HS will follow what it means for our society and for people’s lives and values, and people’s experiences of technologies, such as...

Virginia Dignum installerad som professor

Virginia Dignum har installerats som professor vid Umeå universitet inom social och etisk artificiell intelligens, AI. Hon är också en av de ledande forskarna i världen inom ett fält som under de senaste åren har intagit en plats på listan över de allra största och...

Virginia Dignum installed as professor

Virginia Dignum, scientific director of WASP-HS, has been installed as professor at Umeå University, where she leads the research group Social and Ethical Artificial Intelligence. Important part of AI in Sweden Virginia Dignum is one of the first professors recruited...
Virginia Dignum Installed as Professor

Virginia Dignum Installed as Professor

Virginia Dignum, scientific director of WASP-HS, has been installed as professor at Umeå University, where she leads the research group Social and Ethical Artificial Intelligence. Important part of AI in Sweden Virginia Dignum is one of the first professors recruited...