
Exploring Possibilities for WASP-HS Ukrainian Researchers

Published: May 2, 2023

In May 2022, the Wallenberg Foundations awarded the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society (WASP-HS) a grant to facilitate the welcoming of six Ukrainian researchers for one year. WASP-HS is now exploring possibilities of facilitating extended or permanent opportunities for these researchers.

After a year in the program, WASP-HS is now exploring the possibility of providing extended or permanent opportunities for the Ukrainian researchers. In this regard, the program is reaching out to the universities where the researchers are currently based to explore potential solutions.

Moreover, WASP-HS is announcing a new call for stipend specifically targeted for the Ukrainian researchers, who can apply for a grant of up to 100K SEK. The stipend is intended to be used to prepare a grant application or to continue their current research. To further support the researchers, the program is organizing a workshop on Swedish grant culture on May 11.

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