
New article on AI and health

Published: June 25, 2020

A new article on medical AI and health has been published in The Lancet Digital Health (July 2020).

One of the authors is Professor Timo Minssen, a team member of the WASP-HS project group “Quantum law: The legal significance of quantum computing”. Together with Glenn Cohen and Sara Gerke from Harvard Law School and, Theodoros Evgeniou from INSEAD, Timo analyzes “The European artificial intelligence strategy: implications and challenges for digital health”.

In February 2020, the European Commission published a white paper on artificial intelligence (AI) that considers health to be one of the most important areas of AI applications.

The authors of the Lancet Digital Health article acknowledge that the European Commission has generally done a good job in setting out a European approach for AI and that the white paper presents some valuable insights and laudable initiatives. But they also point towards major challenges in the medical AI area that can be detrimental if not carefully considered and addressed. The authors stress:

“However, implementing (a European approach for AI) in health care will be more difficult. It will require careful balancing of core values, detailed consideration of nuances of health and AI technologies, and a keen eye on the political winds and global competition”.

Read the full article The European artificial intelligence strategy: implications and challenges for digital health.

Podcast with Timo Minssen and Sara Gerk

Together with Sara Gerke, Timo Minssen joins Diana Samuel in a Lancet Digital Health podcast to discuss the European Commission’s white paper on artificial intelligence (published in February 2020), and the challenges of implementing the outlined approach in healthcare. Listen to the podcast.

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