
New book from the Quantum Law Project

Published: June 8, 2020

The Quantum Law Project is the first research project dedicated specifically to the study of the legal implications of quantum computing. The project is funded by and forms part of WASP-HS.

One of the Quantum Law’s first research outputs is a small book on the interaction of technology and international law which is available for free at SSRN´s eLibrary, [l]ex machina: Unlikely encounters of international law and technology.

The Quantum Law Project aims to make a significant contribution to the understanding of the legal implications of the emergence of quantum computing with respect to autonomous systems and AI.

While the Quantum Law Project aims to carry out a comprehensive appraisal of the legal implications of quantum computing on autonomous systems and AI, the project focusses on three question in particular: How does quantum computing affect the practice of law? How does quantum computing affect the legal process? How does quantum computing affect metaphysical assumptions about law?

Read more at the Quantum Law Project homepage.

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