
On video: The impact of AI on society today

Published: October 4, 2020

In a video talk, researchers Pontus Strimling, Emma Engström and Moa Bursell discuss the impact of AI on our everyday lives and society.

Artificial intelligence is not the future – it is here and now. AI affects us, our everyday lives and society in a comprehensive way. Sometimes without us being aware of it. This raises a number of ethical and moral issues that we as citizens and decision-makers must address – not tomorrow, but today.

In this conversation (in Swedish), Digital idag: Så påverkar AI oss redan idag, you will meet three AI researchers from the Institute for Future Studies who specialize in the challenges AI entails for our departments, decision-makers and all of us. Together, they discuss issues such as: Who is responsible when AI harms a person? Will discrimination in the labor market decrease when AI handles recruitment? Is it important that we know how and when AI is used in everyday digital services?

All three researchers work at the Institute for Future Studies. Pontus Strimling and Emma Engström are also part of the WASP-HS project Predicting the diffusion of AI-applications.

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