
Open Call: Human and Social Consequences and Challenges of AI and Autonomous Systems

Published: November 19, 2019

Multidisciplinary approaches and proposals that aim at new technology from a cultural, human, historical and artistic perspective are particularly welcome in the call for 2020.

The Marianne och Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (MMW) is main sponsor of the program WASP-HS (Wallenberg Program on Humanities and Society for Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems and Software). In its call for 2020, the foundation welcomes applications within the field of human and social consequences and challenges of AI and autonomous systems with focus on:

  • Human wellbeing, healthcare, welfare, and environmental sustainability
  • Equality, inequality, fairness, inclusion and diversity
  • Democracy, social trust, governance, justice, data protection and privacy
  • Economy, business, organization and work
  • Human learning

Multidisciplinary approaches and proposals that aim at developing an understanding of new technology with respect to these topics from a cultural, human, historical and artistic perspective are particularly welcome.

Read more about the call.

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