
Open Call: Postdoctoral Scholarships on AI, Humanity, and Society at Stanford University

Published: October 2, 2024

WASP-HS announces the second postdoctoral call of 2024 for scholarships on AI, humanity, and society, this time at Stanford University. These scholarships enable promising researchers who have recently obtained their doctorates at a Swedish university to spend one to two years at Stanford University. Applicants from all disciplines are welcome to apply. The call is open and the deadline for application is 15 November 2024.

WASP-HS has opened a second 2024 call for postdoctoral scholarships, offering a unique opportunity for promising early-career researchers from Swedish universities to conduct research at Stanford University.

The scholarship program, which begins in fall 2025, enables researchers who have recently completed their doctorates at a Swedish institution to spend one to two years at Stanford University. The program is designed to support postdoctoral fellows in developing into independent investigators while experiencing new research environments and expanding their international networks. Upon returning to Sweden, postdoctoral fellows will also be eligible for repatriation support.

Eligibility and Application Criteria

To apply for a postdoctoral scholarship, the applicant must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Have received a doctoral degree from a Swedish university no more than two years before the starting date of the postdoctoral position
  • Have a connection to a Swedish university or corresponding non-profit research organization
  • Cannot have been employed or a scholar at Stanford prior to the postdoctoral position

Read More and Apply

The deadline for applications is November 15, 2024. Successful applicants will begin their postdoctoral studies in the fall of 2025.

See open call.

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