
Open Call to Chair Workshops at the WASP-HS Annual Conference

Published: February 27, 2023

To promote networking and collaboration, the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society (WASP-HS) announces an open invitation to chair workshops in conjunction with the annual WASP-HS conference on November 14, 2023. The call is open to all as long as the topics of the workshops are relevant to the program.

WASP-HS continuously seeks to ensure conversations and interactions with the general national and international research community as well as the Swedish business sector. In February, WASP-HS announced a call for workshops which provides the opportunity to chair a workshop in conjunction with the annual WASP-HS conference AI for Humanity and Society.

“To chair a workshop during the WASP-HS annual conference, AI for Humanity and Society, is a great opportunity to broaden one’s network and exchange research ideas with, and beyond, the WASP-HS academic community”, says Teresa Ceratto-Pargman, Professor in Human-Computer Interaction at Stockholm University and scientific chair of the conference.

The workshops may address any topics relevant to WASP-HS, such as issues about interdisciplinary methods and methodologies, as well as topics related to artificial intelligence and autonomous systems and its impact on for example norms, ethics, fairness, policy, art, social media, innovation, democracy, finance, public sector, applications, law, politics, gambling, geography, history, economics, and more.

“To ensure relevant research it is important to be inclusive and multidisciplinary. We therefore invite workshop proposals from any relevant discipline, even beyond disciplines, and also for stakeholders outside the academic sphere. Workshop chairs can for example choose to target practitioners, developers, lawyers, or policy makers” says Stefan Larsson Associate Professor in Technology and Social Change at Lund University and scientific chair of the conference. 

The call for workshops is now open and the deadline for proposals is 1 April.

Read more about the open call for workshops.

More About the Conference

AI for Humanity and Society is an annual conference arranged by WASP-HS. The conference serves as a meeting place for dialogue on the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems with a strong focus on research in humanities and social science.

The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Living with AI – Critical Questions for the Social Sciences and Humanities’ indicating the need for critical scrutiny of the everyday and mundane application of AI. The event takes place on 14-15 November in Malmö, Sweden.

See more information about the conference.

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