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Previously Open Calls

Cross-Project Collaboration
The call for Cross-Project Collaboration is aimed at WASP-HS research and PhD projects. The initiative supports research on issues that require a multidisciplinary approach and are relevant for two or more projects. Collaborations can focus on specific research problems, conceptual, methodological, or theoretical issues, or other scientific inquiries. A maximum of 100,000 SEK can be requested for one collaboration. The call is continuously ongoing and applications for collaborations between projects can be submitted at any time.

Workshops in Conjunction with AI for Humanity and Society 2024
For the WASP-HS annual conference on AI for Humanity and Society 2024, we seek to ensure conversations and interaction with, and within, the diverse and vibrant WASP-HS community. Therefore, we invite you to submit workshop proposals to be held in conjunction with the conference on November 19 at 09-12.


WASP-HS Postdoctoral Scholarships at MIT
In collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), WASP-HS invites applications for postodoctoral fellows working in areas related to the impact of technology and computing on society. This could include, but is not limited to, examining the social, historical, philosophical, legal, ethical and cultural aspects of the opportunities and challenges of the development and use of computing, AI, and data sciences. Applicants are encouraged to apply in those or other areas related to the impacts of technology on society.


Call for Affiliated PhD Students 2023
We are currently opening the opportunity for a limited number of PhD students to be part of the WASP-HS Graduate School. The WASP-HS Graduate School complements existing PhD programs by contributing to a wide interdisciplinary competence in humanities and social sciences and its relation to AI and autonomous systems. The goal is to train future researchers to the highest international standards by providing integrated training in philosophy, social science, policy research, organizational science, psychology, and other humanities and social science disciplines. The program puts light on the interdependence of AI technologies and human activity, ranging from face-face interaction, through groups, corporate agents, and communities up to society.

WASP-HS and DDLS Joint Call for Seed-Money 2023
This call aims to provide seed money for research investigating the human and social challenges of data-driven strategies developed within the life sciences. The research should aim to increase the understanding of how using artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous systems, and data-driven methodologies in the life sciences, has effects and consequences in the life sciences, medicine, and/or society. The research should be of a visionary nature and have a clear potential for impact both within the life sciences and the humanities and/or social sciences. The call also aims to facilitate the establishment of collaborations between researchers from the data-driven-life sciences and the social sciences and humanities.

WASP-HS Postoctoral Scholarships at MIT
In collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), WASP-HS invites applications for Postodoctoral fellows working in areas related to the impact of technology and computing on society. This could include, but is not limited to, examining the social, historical, philosophical, legal, ethical and cultural aspects of the opportunities and challenges of the development and use of computing, AI, and data sciences. Applicants are encouraged to apply in those or other areas related to the impacts of technology on society.

WASP-HS and DDLS Joint Call for Seed-Money
DDLS and WASP-HS are committed to forming meaningful collaborations to bridge the gaps between the scientific disciplines of DDLS and WASP-HS. The Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation has earmarked funding for such joint efforts in their donation. As a first step in their collaboration, DDLS and WASP-HS now announce a call for seed-money to explore the possibility of developing joint research projects addressing mutually relevant themes. This call is intended to give researchers from DDLS and WASP-HS resources to develop such joint research projects. The proposed collaborations should address issues of major significance that bridge the thematic profiles of DDLS and WASP-HS.

Guest Professors Stage 2 – For Invited Universities
One of WASP-HS instruments is recruitment of Guest Professors. Through the recruitment of six Guest Professors WASP-HS aims to establish strong international relations and thereby ensuring continued excellent research at the host universities on a specific topic. The Guest Professor should strengthen the vision of WASP-HS of excellent multidisciplinary research with high relevance both nationally and internationally. During the evaluation process particular importance will be placed on the scientific excellence and international profile of the candidate, the benefits for the host university and the candidate’s contribution to WASP-HS.

Call for NetX: Networking Excellence Projects in the Humanities and Social Sciences for the Study of Consequences and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems
NetX is a network initiative that aims to advance groundbreaking scientific cooperation between researchers at different universities and between researchers and external partners. Project proposals should address an issue of highest priority for the goals and vision of WASP-HS that requires the gathered competence of a multidisciplinary or cross-sectorial team. The proposed research must be novel and original, of international academic significance and of societal relevance.

Call for Innovative Collaboration Projects (ICP)
One of WASP-HS instruments is a research program supporting innovative collaborations between Swedish universities and public and private organisations to ensure cross-fertilisation and synergy around relevant societal challenges for the benefit of Swedish society. The program aims in particular to strengthen the scientific competence of young researchers through a competitive program of collaboration with public and/or private partners, in research directions related to the humanities and social sciences.

Call for PhD in Society
One of WASP-HS instruments is a PhD program supporting cross-fertilisation and synergy between academic, public and private entities focusing on relevant societal challenges. The program aims to strengthen the position of Swedish industry and public organisations by financing the PhD research supporting collaborations between Swedish organisations and universities in research directions in the humanities and social sciences.