Graduate School

Universities and Research Institutes

Active PhD Students


Studying abroad can be a fruitful experience for academic collaboration and networking. WASP-HS encourages studying abroad for the PhD students enrolled in the program who can apply for reimbursement of costs to go abroad for one semester.

Please note that the stay should range between 2 and 6 months, and the visit can take place at any time during the PhD period. The application is ongoing and there is no deadline to apply. The semester abroad can take place in any country outside of Sweden but needs to be academically motivated. Applications will be continuously reviewed by the WASP-HS Management Team on a monthly basis.

Where it is scientifically necessary WASP-HS may allow for several combined trips given that they serve a single research aim. WASP-HS may also allow for several consecutive trips to the same institute if it can be motivated by personal/family reasons or migration regulations. The application must motivate this in such cases.

WASP-HS will cover reasonable travel costs, (student) accommodation, and subsistence during the stay. A maximum of 120 000 SEK will be covered by WASP-HS as direct costs, a maximum of 15% indirect costs and 3,5% for premises. Costs for “PhD semester abroad”-projects should follow the same routines for cost reporting and payment of funds as other WASP-HS funded projects and the same rules for indirect costs apply. The PhD students should get their travel costs reimbursed by their university, which in turn request the funding from WASP-HS.

Please note that costs for a semester abroad for affiliated PhD students are covered by their project, and not by WASP-HS.

The PhD student is responsible for all arrangements for the stay including contacting the host institute and to arrange for accommodation during the stay.

No longer than three months after the trip, each PhD student is required to write a short (2 page) report describing the scientific results and other experiences of the stay together with a summary of actual costs.


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Principal Supervisor

Plans for Semester Abroad

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For inquiries regarding the graduate school, please contact us at

Eva Sjöstrand

Graduate School Coordinator

Ericka Johnson

Graduate School Director