
Short introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Published: September 21, 2020

With three short talks on Youtube, Jonas Ivarsson, professor of Informatics at the University of Gothenburg, gives an introduction to the field of Artificial Intelligence.

The talks are in Swedish and address the basics of artificial intelligence, different types of machine learning and neural networks.

Jonas Ivarsson is a professor of informatics and project leader of the project “Professional trust and autonomous systems” in WASP-HS.

Jonas Ivarsson is a Professor in Informatics at the Department of Applied Information Technology at the University of Gothenburg. There his role is to take lead on the emerging research on Human Centered Artificial Intelligence—a specific approach to the interplay between humans and machines in the context of artificial intelligence. Central to this approach are questions relating to how to design AI systems so to operate in the context of human users, as well as how to design learning trajectories of humans so that they can intelligently interact with increasingly complex semi-autonomous systems.

Talks on Youtube:

Artificiell Intelligens: En introduktion

Tre typer av AI och maskininlärning

Artificiella Neurala Nätverk

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