
Travelling algorithms addressed in seminar

Published: December 3, 2020

How do ideas and algorithms travel between settings, organizations, and geographical regions? That is one of the questions addressed in a seminar co-organized by Francis Lee, Chalmers University of Technology, and project leader in WASP-HS.

The online seminar “Travelling Algorithms: How developers of data analysis from finance to health copy each other”, will be held on Thursday 10 December 2020.

It aims to address questions such as: How are ideas translated into new contexts in an increasingly algorithmic world? How and in what ways do ideas and algorithms travel between settings, organizations, and geographical regions? How do algorithms become carriers of ideas? Do different carriers—different algorithms—transform ideas and practices?

The seminar is one of the seminars in the series “The Past and Future of AI: Tales, Tropes and Speculations“, held between November 2020 and November 2021, and hosted by Nordic Observatory of Artificial Intelligence (NordAI). The series introduces participants to scholarship from and about the Nordic countries concerning AI, automation, algorithms, data, and the human-machine relationship.

NordAI is a working collective of scholars, practitioners and thinkers interested in contemporary developments of the Nordic countries driven by technologies, especially those collected by the term artificial intelligence.

NordAI is currently made up of 80 people from 30 universities and 5 interest organizations.

Read more about the online seminar “Travelling Algorithms: How developers of data analysis from finance to health copy each other”.

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