Guest Professor Irina Shklovski

Guest Professor Irina Shklovski

< Funded positions WASP-HS Guest Professor Irina Shklovski WASP-HS profile As a WASP-HS Guest Professor, Irina Shklovski will strengthen the vision of excellent multidisciplinary research with high relevance both in Sweden and on an international level. Host...
Appu Balachandran

Appu Balachandran

Appu Balachandran PhD student Linköping University University profile PhD Project Title The Integration of Model-Based and Data-Driven Methods As Well As Work Practices the Design of Complex Intelligent...
Appu Balachandran

Youshan Yu

Youshan Yu PhD student Linköping University University profile WASP-HS Project The Emergence of Complex Intelligent Systems and the Future of Management See project PhD Project Title AI for a Better Society – The Role of Purpose Driven Managerial Decision...
Appu Balachandran

Maria Arnelid

Maria Arnelid PhD student Linköping University University profile WASP-HS Project The Ethics and Social Consequences of AI & Caring Robots. Learning Trust, Empathy, and Accountability See project PhD Project Title Learning Data for Companion...
Appu Balachandran

Irina Shlovski

Irina Shklovski Guest Professor Linköping University University profile WASP-HS Project Operationalising Ethics for AI: Translation, Implementation and Accountability Challenges See...