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Amanda Lagerkvist promoted to full Professor at Uppsala University
Sep 16, 2020
Amanda Lagerkvist is a founder of existential media studies and project leader in the WASP-HS...
6 radioprogram om AI
Aug 11, 2020
Sveriges Radio har under sommaren 2020 sänt sex radioprogram om AI och jobben. Bland de...
6 episodes from Sveriges Radio on AI
Aug 11, 2020
During the summer of 2020, Sveriges Radio broadcast six radio programs about AI and jobs. Among...
AI i komplexa intelligenta system
Jul 3, 2020
Hur ska organisationer ledas så att de på ett ansvarsfullt sätt kan bidra till, och dra nytta av, framväxten av artificiell intelligens och komplexa intelligenta system? Det är den övergripande frågan i projektet The emergence of complex intelligent systems and the future of management inom WASP-HS programmet.
AI and complex intelligent systems
Jul 3, 2020
How can organisations be managed to responsibly contribute to, and benefit from, the emergence of artificial intelligence and complex intelligent systems? This is the overall question addressed by the project “The emergence of complex intelligent systems and the future of management” in the WASP-HS program.
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