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Virginia Dignum på topp 50-lista över AI och etik
May 31, 2020
Den franska digitala webbyrån IPFC har släppt sin lista över de 50 främsta påverkarna, så kallade...
Virginia Dignum one of 50 top AI ethics influencers to follow in 2020
May 31, 2020
The French digital web agency IPFC has released their list of the top 50 AI Ethics influencers. WASP-HS program director Virginia Dignum coming in at #24.
Trustworthy AI in Europe
May 15, 2020
How can we guarantee a reliable and trustworthy development of AI in Europe? That was the focus in...
AI som vi kan lita på
May 15, 2020
Hur kan vi garantera en säker och tillförlitlig utveckling av AI i Europa? Det var fokus i ett framförande som AI-forskare Fredrik Heintz nyligen höll i ett webinar arrangerat av tankesmedjan Fores.
Trustworthy AI in Europe
May 15, 2020
How can we guarantee a reliable and trustworthy development of AI in Europe? That was the focus in a keynote speech Dr. Fredrik Heintz held recently in a webinar hosted by the think tank Fores.
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